Team permissions

Team permissions

Creating your team roles:

With Clubhub, you're in charge! Now, you can make new roles for your team right from your dashboard. This means giving the right access to the right people, making things run smoothly. Set up roles that fit your venue's way of working, and keep everything simple and organized. Manage roles at „My Team' in the Clubhub Organisations web app.


Short explanation of permissions:

1. Send tickets: Allows team members to issue tickets directly to customers, either free tickets or purchased tickets.

2. Send tables: Enables staff to book tables for guests, handling both free reservations and sales, directly from the app.

3. Give tasks: Authorizes team members to assignspecific duties within the team, promoting organized and transparent taskdistribution.

4. Door sales: Empowers staff to record tickets andtables sold at the venue entrance, updating the system in real-time foraccurate tracking.

5. Scan tickets and tables: Facilitates quick, secure entry through QR code validation of tickets and table bookings within the app.

6. Change capacity count: Permits real-time updates to the number of patrons inside the venue, ensuring adherence to capacity limits and balance in the audience demographics.

7. Promoter overview: Allows team members to view all activities and performance metrics of promoters, ensuring comprehensive oversight of promotional efforts across all events.

8. Manage tickets: Enables team members to handle all aspects of ticketing, including modifying existing tickets and adding new ones, directly from their app.

9. Manage tables: Grants team members the ability to manage table bookings and reservations, making adjustments as needed to cater to guest preferences or event requirements.

10. View customers: Provides access to customer details for specific events, helping team members tailor services and experiences to guest profiles and preferences.

11. Receive notifications for payments: Sends instant notifications to team members for every purchase made for events, keeping them updated on sales activity and financial transactions.

12. Edit event from app: Empowers team members to edit key event details like the main image, performer lineup, and descriptions directly from the app, ensuring all event information is up-to-date.

Detailed explanation:


1. Sending tickets made easy:

Here's a cool thing you can do on Clubhub: send tickets straight to party-goers using their @clubtag (that's their @name in the app). Whether you're giving away free tickets or selling tickets, it's all at your fingertips.

How it works:

  • Finding clubbers: Want to send a ticket? Just search for the customer's @clubtag. That way, you can send it right to their app. No fuss, no mix-ups!
  • Free or paid? You decide: You get to choose if the tickets are on the house („free“) or if the customers should pay for them. Handy, right?
  • Waiting for cash: If it's a paid ticket, here's the clever bit: the customer gets the ticket, but it's like it's locked. They can see it, but there's no QR code yet. They need to pay you first (cash or card, it is up to you).
    If it's free, the customer gets the ticket with QR code immediately.
  • Unlocking the tickets: Once you've got the money, tap on your app to say the ticket's been paid. Then, magic! The customer's ticket shows the QR code, and they're good to go.

So, that's it! Sending tickets directly to customers is quick and keeps everything in one place. Whether they're free tickets to makesomeone's night or paid ones, you're in control.

2. Booking tables, the easy way:

The ticket-sending feature in Clubhub works for tables too!Yep, you can book tables for your guests using their @clubtag, making sure they've got theperfect spot waiting for them.

How it works:

  1. Spotting your guests: Find your guest's @clubtag and you can send the booking straight to their account.
  2. Your house, your rules: Just like with the tickets, you choose if you're sending a free or a paid table.
  3. Cash first, party later: If they're paying, the guests see their booking, but it's not yet „unlocked“' as they need to pay you first.
  4. Ready, set, party: Once you confirm the payment in your app, their booking gets the „unlocked“ signal. That means their table is secured and booked.

Booking tables for your guests is just as simple andorganized as sending tickets. Whether you’re handling VIP guests or managingregular reservations, it's an easyprocess.



3. Task management:

We’ve added a feature just for you to manage tasks smoothly, ensuring no detail gets overlooked.

How It works:

  1. Assign tasks: Using the app or the web platform (for owners), you can assign tasks to team members or to yourself - never forget what you need to do!
  2. Prioritize: Every task isn't the same. Decide if it's a „low“, „medium“, or „high“ priority. This helps your team know what to do first.
  3. Assignees: You can assign a task to one team member or a bunch of them.
  4. Deadlines: Every task can have a deadline. No more guesswork on when things should be done.
  5. Track tasks: Watch tasks go from "To Do" to "In Progress" and finally, "Completed". Always be updated about your team progress.
  6. Always in the loop: Want to know who completed which task and when? We’ve got you covered. And if a task's running behind? It'll have a „late“ badge, so it's easy to spot.
  7. Stay notified: No need to constantly check the app. Get notified when you’re given a task or when one’s done. Stay updated, always.



4. Door sales:

Want to keep track of those spontaneous party-goers who show up without a ticket? With the „DoorSales“ feature, you can seamlessly record and manage sales at the entrance.


How It works:

  1. Instant additions: When customers show up without a ticket, just select the type of ticket they're purchasing and the quantity. This info gets directly added to your event statistics, ensuring all sales, both online and at the door, are combined.
  2. Cash & scan: If a customer pays in cash at the door, you have two choices. Either enter the sale manually or, better yet, scan their Clubhub QR code to get their informations.
  3. Know your guests: Scanning a Clubhub QR code isn't just for ticket sales. It's also a way to add that customer's data to your venue's CRM. Get to know your customers and their habits.
  4. All in the system: Remember, if someone's buying multiple tickets, you'll need to scan each person's QR code individually. This ensures every guest is recognized and added to your CRM.



5. Swift entries with Clubhub’s scan feature:

With Clubhub's „Scan tickets and tables“ feature, ensure smooth entry your guests.

How it works:

  1. Universal scanner: Whether it's a ticket or a table booking, one scanner does it all. This means faster entries and happier guests.
  2. Choose & scan: After scanning a ticket, you get the option to tag the guest as male or female. This isn’t just for quick checks—it’s a smart way to keep a balanced crowd and track the male-to-female ratio at your venue.
  3. Real-time validation: The QR code validation ensures that every scan is legit, preventing potential disputes or confusions.
  4. In the app, on the go: As a team member, everything you need is right in the app. No additional gadgets required—just your phone, Clubhub, and you're set!
  5. Supported platforms: iOS & Android



6. Real time capacity count:

„Change Capacity Count“ feature helps you to always how many guests are in your venue and what's the ratio.

How it works:

  1. Real-time tracking: Track every entry or an exit at your venue, every count is updated immediately.
  2. Crowd demographics: Identify the male-to-female ratio to ensure a well-mixed crowd, setting the tone for a perfect night.
  3. Capacity check: This helps you ensure your venue never goes beyond its capacity.
  4. Doorkeeper's delight: This is a great feature for those manning the entrance. With everything accessible from the app, the door staff can effortlessly manage and maintain the crowd's flow.

7. Promoter overview:
  1. Permission: View all promoter activity
  3. Explanation: This feature grants team members the ability to oversee the entirety of promoters' activities within the Clubhub app. It's like having a bird's eye view of all the efforts and outcomes related to event promotions. This is crucial for coordinators or managers who need to ensure that promotional strategies are aligned and effectively executed across all events.

How it works:

  1. Centralized visibility: Gain access to a comprehensive dashboard showcasing all promoters' actions, from ticket sales efforts to marketing campaigns.
  3. Performance tracking: Easily monitor the success and reach of each promoter, understanding which strategies work best.
  5. Unified management: Streamline the coordination between different promoters, ensuring consistent messaging and branding across events.
8.  Manage tickets:

This authorization enables a team member to not only view and alter the specifics of existing tickets but also to craft new ticket categories as per the requirements of upcoming events. This capability is essential for those in charge of the ticketing framework, providing them the agility to adapt to event evolutions and maintain the ticketing data current and relevant.

How it works:

  1. Ticket supervision: Inspect and modify the particulars of current tickets, ensuring all details are accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Ticket creation: Design and introduce new ticket types, catering to diverse audience segments or special promotions.
  5. Adaptive control: Swiftly respond to changing event demands or opportunities, adjusting ticket offerings on the fly.
9. Manage tables:

This feature allows team members to manage the intricacies of table reservations directly from their app. From altering existing bookings to accommodating special requests, team members can ensure guests receive the best possible experience.

How it works:

  1. Booking adjustments: Modify existing table bookings to reflect changes or special requests from guests.
  3. Availability oversight: Keep a close eye on table availability, ensuring optimal utilization of space and accommodation of as many guests as possible.
  5. Guest satisfaction: Quickly resolve any table-related issues or preferences, enhancing the overall guest experience at your venue.
10. View customers:

This permission grants team members the ability to view customer information related to particular events. This insight is invaluable for personalizing guest experiences and for logistical planning, ensuring each event runs smoothly.

How it works:

  1. Customer insights: Peek into who's attending, their preferences, and past interactions with your venue to tailor experiences.
  3. Event planning: Use customer data to make informed decisions about event logistics, security, and service needs.
  5. Enhanced personalization: Leverage customer information to offer personalized greetings, promotions, or services, elevating their experience.

11. Receive notifications for payments:

This feature ensures that team members are immediately informed of every transaction made for your events. This real-time notification system is crucial for keeping a pulse on sales performance and for financial tracking.

How it works:

  1. Instant updates: Receive a notification the moment a purchase is made, keeping you in the loop on sales activity.
  3. Sales tracking: Monitor the volume and pace of ticket or table sales, aiding in revenue forecasting and event planning.
  5. Financial oversight: Stay informed about the financial flow, ensuring transparency and accountability in sales processes.
12. Edit event from app:

Empowers team members with the flexibility to edit crucial event information directly from their app. This includes updating the main image, performer lineup, event description, and more, ensuring all event information is current and engaging.

How it works:

  1. On-the-fly adjustments: Quickly update event details as changes occur, ensuring the public and potential attendees have the most current information.
  3. Enhanced control: Alter performer line-ups, descriptions, and visual assets to keep marketing materials fresh and appealing.
  5. Immediate updates: Implement changes instantly, allowing for rapid response to unforeseen circumstances or opportunities to enhance the event's appeal.

Each of these permissions is designed to provide team members with specific capabilities, ensuring they have the tools needed to manage events effectively, engage with customers, and optimize the overall event experience.

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