Terms & Conditions

Welcome to ClubHub, a platform designed to enhance your nightlife experience. These terms and conditions govern your use of the ClubHub platform, which includes our website, web-app for venues and the ClubHub User Mobile App.

General provision

  • These Terms & Conditions ("T&C") govern the use and purchase of tickets and services on Clubhub, a platform owned and operated by Clubhub d.o.o.
  • By accessing and using the Clubhub platform, you agree to comply with and be bound by these T&C.
  • We reserve the right to modify these T&C at any time. Any changes will be effective 7 days after posting on the Clubhub platform. Users will be informed of significant changes via email or app notifications. By continuing to use the platform after these 7 days, you agree to any updated terms.
  • Significant changes include modifications to the rights and obligations of users, changes in the way we handle user data, or adjustments to the governing law and jurisdiction clauses. If users disagree with the updated terms, they should discontinue using the services. Continued use after the notice period constitutes acceptance of the new terms.


  • User Platform: Refers to both the Clubhub website and Clubhub User Mobile App. Through this platform, users can purchase tickets or tables for events. Specifically, within the mobile app format, users can share these tickets directly with friends and post event-related stories to enrich their nightlife experience.
  • User: Any individual or entity using Clubhub's services.
  • Organisers: Clubs, venues, bars, event organisations and other entertainment locations registered with Clubhub.
  • Clubhub Organisation - Venue WebApp Platform: A dedicated web-based application used by venues (clubs, bars, and other entertainment establishments) for venue management. This includes CRM functionalities, event management, ticket and table bookings, in-app chat, and task management features through the Clubhub Team App.
  • Clubhub Team Mobile Application: Mobile app that allows venue owners and their team to scan tickets, manage table bookings, communicate via in-app chat, and manage tasks.
  • Third Parties: Refers to any other parties involved in the interaction between users and venues or event organizers, including but not limited to payment processors, external vendors, or service providers.
  • Promoter: Entities responsible for organizing, hosting, and managing events.
  • Ticket: A digital pass provided by Clubhub, granting access to events.
  • Table Booking: The act of booking a table at a venue through the Clubhub platform, either by users or venue staff.
  • Role Assignment: The process through which the venue owner allocates different permissions and functionalities to team members using the Venue WebApp Platform.
  • Permissions:  The levels of access or types of functionalities a venue team member is allowed to utilize on the Venue WebApp Platform, as assigned by the venue owner.

Service description

  • Clubhub operates as a digital intermediary, providing a dynamic platform that bridges the gap between users, event organizers ("Organisers"), and venues. Our role is to streamline the process for users to explore events, purchase tickets, and book tables, enhancing their overall event-going experience.
  • Role as intermediary: Our primary function is to connect users with Organisers and venues. While we provide comprehensive information about events, including dates, artist line-ups, and ticket availability, it's crucial to understand that Clubhub is not the organiser or host of the events listed on our platform. The responsibility for event organisation, performance fulfillment, and compliance with any applicable laws rests entirely with the Organisers and we disclaim all liability associated with the actions of Organisers, venues, and third parties.
  • Event information and ticket sales: We offer users the convenience of exploring a range of events and making informed decisions through detailed descriptions, user reviews, and venue profiles. While we facilitate the ticket purchasing process, we do not set ticket prices or terms and are not involved in the event management process. Any changes, cancellations, or discrepancies in event details are the sole responsibility of the organiser or venue.
  • Table bookings: Beyond ticket sales, Clubhub enhances the user experience by offering the option to book tables at various venues. While we facilitate these bookings, the terms, including minimum spend requirements and guest conduct, are dictated by the individual Organiser or venue. Users are obligated to adhere to these terms, and any disputes regarding bookings are to be resolved with the respective Organiser or venue.
  • No assumption of liability: Clubhub assumes no liability for the actions, omissions, or conduct of Organisers, venues, or any third party related to your use of the platform. This includes any changes, cancellations, or issues arising from the events themselves. Our commitment is to provide a reliable and user-friendly platform, but we advise users to direct any event-specific grievances or claims to the respective Organisers or venues.
  • Disclaiming role in disputes: Clubhub is not a party to any disputes that may arise between users and Organisers. Such disputes must be resolved independently between the disputing parties. Clubhub does not mediate or intervene in any disputes and disclaims all liability in this regard.

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Financial Terms

  • Service fees: Users acknowledge that Clubhub applies a variable service fee for each ticket or table purchased through the platform. This fee is calculated based on a range of factors and is subject to change without prior notice. Clubhub reserves the right to modify service fees at any time to reflect current market conditions, strategic pricing, promotional offers, or other considerations. This fee is non-refundable and is included in the final price at the time of purchase. All Clubhub service fees are non-refundable.
  • Payment processing: Clubhub facilitates the payment transaction between users and Organisers, acting solely as an intermediary. Clubhub is not responsible for processing payment transactions, and any issues related to payment should be directed to the respective payment gateway or Organiser.
  • No refunds or disputes: Clubhub is not responsible for issuing refunds for any ticket or tables fees purchased through the platform. All requests for refunds due to event cancellation, rescheduling, or dissatisfaction must be addressed with the event Organisers directly. Clubhub does not mediate or intervene in such disputes.
  • Users are responsible for any additional transaction fees that their bank may charge, especially for international transactions. Clubhub is not responsible for these charges.

User registration

  • Users may need to register on the Clubhub User Platform to access certain features or make purchases.
  • Users are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided during registration and are obliged to keep it updated.
  • Users are responsible for all activities conducted through their account, and should report any unauthorized use of their account to Clubhub immediately.
  • Passwords must be kept confidential and not shared with third parties.
  • Users may be held responsible for any misuse of their account unless they've previously reported unauthorized access.
  • Providing false information or creating an account for someone else without their permission constitutes a breach of our terms and may result in immediate account termination.
  • Upon account deactivation or deletion, Clubhub will retain user data in accordance with legal requirements and our data retention policy, which is further detailed in our Privacy Policy.

Purchase process

  • Tickets are available for purchase on our User Platform for events promoted by Organisers.
  • The user must follow the purchase procedure, providing the requested information. To ensure fairness and maintain ticket and table availability during high-demand periods, the user must complete the transaction within a specified timeframe. The platform provides a time limit of 5 minutes to finalize each purchase. The user must follow the purchase procedure, providing the requested information. To ensure the availability of tickets or tables, especially during high-demand periods, the platform imposes a time limit of 5 minutes for users to finalize their transactions. If the transaction is not completed within this period, the reservation of the ticket or table is not guaranteed, and it may be released for purchase by other customers. Please note that if a payment is submitted after the 5-minute window, the transaction may still process, but this does not guarantee that your ticket or table reservation will be honored. In such cases, the payment will be accepted, but due to inventory constraints, you may not receive your ticket or table booking. We implement this policy to maintain fair access to inventory and to prevent prolonged, inactive reservations during times of high demand.If the transaction is not completed within this period, we cannot guarantee the reservation of the ticket or table, and it may be released for purchase by other customers. This policy helps manage ticket inventory effectively and ensures opportunities for purchase are available to all interested parties.
  • Ticket availability is not guaranteed and is subject to change until the purchase is finalized.
  • Users will receive a confirmation upon successful purchase as well as the ticket. This ticket must be presented at the event venue.
  • Table Booking: Users can also book tables through the User Platform. All table bookings are subject to availability and the specific terms set by the venue. Table bookings are only available on the User mobile platform (Clubhub Nightlife)
  • Ticket prices have an extra fee that consists of Clubhub's fee and additional payment processing fees (e.g., from Stripe) which apply on top of ticket and/or table prices.

Issuance of tickets

  • Upon completing a purchase through Clubhub, users are issued tickets through the method corresponding to their platform of purchase. For purchases made on our website, tickets are delivered electronically via email, ensuring that attendees receive a digital copy of their ticket. For purchases made through the Clubhub mobile application, while a purchase receipt is provided as usual, the actual ticket is conveniently made available within the app itself. This digital ticket within the app serves as the official entry pass that will be required at the event venue. Users must ensure they have access to their ticket, either by accessing their email for web purchases or by presenting the ticket within the Clubhub app at the event. Clubhub is not responsible for any personal interactions or transactions between users that occur as a result of using the Clubhub platform.
  • Users will receive an electronic ticket with a QR code after successful purchase.
  • Tickets must be presented at the event entrance, either from an email or within the Clubhub app. The QR code on the ticket will serve as the official entry verification.

User mobile application functionalities

  • Ticket Sharing: User Clubhub mobile application offers users the functionality to share purchased tickets directly with friends. By utilizing this feature, users agree not to misuse this function for any unauthorized resale or distribution. Any violation may result in account suspension or other appropriate actions.
  • Table Booking: In addition to ticket purchasing, the Clubhub mobile application allows users to book tables at venues. Table bookings are subject to the same terms and conditions as ticket purchases.
  • Event Stories: Our mobile application allows users to post stories from events. When posting stories, users must ensure that the content abides by our content guidelines. Clubhub is not responsible for the content of user-generated stories but retains the right to remove or modify any content that violates our policies or infringes upon the rights of others. Users must ensure that content posted complies with our content guidelines, prohibiting nudity, violence, or other offensive material. Clubhub is not responsible for user-generated content but retains the right to remove any content violating our policies. Users can report violations to support@clubhub-app.com.
  • Clubhub is not responsible for any personal interactions or transactions between users that occur as a result of using the Clubhub platform.

Payment methods

  • Clubhub accepts various payment methods, including but not limited to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
  • Secure transactions are ensured through our payment processing partners, which include Stripe among others.

Cancellations & Refunds

  • All service and transactional fees charged by Clubhub are non-refundable. Refunds for tickets or tables are subject to the Organiser's policies. In the event of a cancellation or significant changes, Clubhub will facilitate communication between users and Organisers for refunds, but is not responsible for refunding ticket or table prices or any other fees associated with the purchase.
  • Clubhub is not liable for any losses incurred due to event changes or cancellations.
  • Refunds are subject to the policies of the event organizers. Clubhub will assist in providing refunds where the event organizer has approved such refunds. Service fees charged by Clubhub are non-refundable.
  • In the case of a cancelled event, users will be notified and offered a full refund.
  • If an event is rescheduled, users may opt for a refund if they cannot attend on the new date. Rescheduled events give users an option for a refund within a specific timeframe (e.g., 7 days) from the announcement of the new date.
  • Refunds will be processed through the original payment method.
  • Significant changes are considered those that alter the main characteristics of the event, such as a date change or a change in venue location.

Event changes and cancellations

Event particulars, including dates and venues, may change.
Significant modifications will be communicated to ticket holders.

Prohibited actions

  • The creation of packages combining our tickets with other services without permission is strictly prohibited.
  • Any attempt at fraud, misrepresentation, or unauthorized activities may result in account suspension.
  • Misusing the Table Booking functionality for any unauthorized resale, distribution, or misrepresentation may result in account suspension.
  • Unauthorized activities include attempting to gain unauthorized access to the platform, using the platform for any illegal purposes, or using the platform to purchase tickets for commercial resale purposes.

Event attendance

  • Users must follow the rules and regulations set by the Organisers and venue.
  • Admission may be denied for non-compliance with event terms or for security concerns, without any refund.
  • Late arrivals may have to wait for a suitable break to gain entry.
  • For table bookings, users must comply with the terms set by the venue, such as minimum spend requirements or dress code. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of the booking without any refund.
  • Attendees must comply with all local laws and regulations as well as the rules and restrictions set by the event organizer or venue. Non-compliance may result in removal from the event without a refund.

Clubhub team mobile application

The Clubhub team mobile app, an essential tool for venue management and communication, is provided free of charge to all venues and their staff. This application, integral to the seamless operation of services facilitated by Clubhub, includes features such as Ticket Scanning, Table Booking Management, In-App Chat, and Task Management. By using the Clubhub Team App, venues agree to utilize these services in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and Clubhub guidelines or policies. There are no fees associated with the download or use of the Clubhub Team App, as we strive to empower venues with the tools necessary for efficient event management and enhanced customer service.

a) Venue team application features
  • Ticket scanning: Allows venue staff to scan tickets or tables for event entry.
  • Table booking management: Enables venue staff to accept, manage, and fulfill table bookings made through the Clubhub platform.
  • In-app Cchat An integrated chat function allowing real-time communication between venue staff.
  • Task management: A simplified task manager for venue staff to coordinate tasks and activities.
b) Role assignment and permissions
  • Owner's privileges: The owner of the venue listing has the authority to assign roles and permissions to various team members, thereby controlling access to different features and functionalities of the Clubhub Organisations Platform.
  • Team Roles: The venue owner can designate roles such as 'Manager,' 'Staff,' 'Security,' etc., to team members.
  • Feature Access: Specific permissions can be set based on roles, determining who can access ticket scanning, table booking management, in-app chat, and task management features.
  • Responsibility: The venue owner assumes responsibility for all actions taken by team members under roles or permissions they have been assigned.
c) Use of venue team app features
  • By using the Ticket Scanning, Table Booking Management, In-App Chat, and Task Management features, venues agree to utilize them in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as in line with any specific Clubhub guidelines or policies.

Venue participation

a) Representation and warranties
  • Accuracy of information: Venues are obligated to provide accurate, timely, and comprehensive details about their establishment, events, ticket prices, and any other pertinent details. This includes visuals, descriptions, event schedules, and related links.
  • Licensing and Permissions: By listing on Clubhub, venues assert that they have all necessary licenses, permits, and consents to operate their venue and host listed events.
  • Code of Conduct: Venues must maintain a professional standard, ensuring a safe, non-discriminatory, and positive environment for all patrons.
    Any reported misconduct may lead to penalties or removal from our platform.
b) Event and ticket management
  • Event listings: Venues are responsible for listing events, managing ticket allocations, setting pricing structures, and updating any event changes or cancellations in real-time on the Clubhub platform.
  • Ticket issues: Any issues arising from ticketing, including but not limited to duplication, overselling, or ticket fraud, must be addressed promptly by the venue.
    Clubhub is to be informed of significant ticketing disputes.
  • Event integrity: Venues must honor all commitments made in event listings. This includes honoring ticket and table prices, event times, advertised performers, and any other promises made to ticket purchasers.
c) Interaction with user content
  • User posts & stories: Recognizing the Clubhub mobile app allows users to post stories and reviews, venues understand these expressions are the views of individuals and not Clubhub. While Clubhub does not endorse user-generated content, venues can flag inappropriate content for review.
  • Feedback mechanism: Venues accept that users may rate or review their experience, and while Clubhub provides this platform, the content generated is purely user-driven. Venues are encouraged to engage positively with feedback and address any concerns raised by users.
d) Liabilities and indemnities
  • Responsibility: Venues are unequivocally responsible for all aspects and outcomes of their event listings and hosting activities conducted through or in connection with the Clubhub platform. This responsibility extends to full compliance with all local and international laws, regulations, and standards. It encompasses a broad range of potential issues, including but not limited to personal injuries, damages, loss of personal belongings, and any other form of harm or dissatisfaction experienced by attendees.
    Clubhub expressly disclaims any and all liability for adverse outcomes, legal violations, or any form of harm or damages occurring directly or indirectly in relation to events listed on the platform. The platform serves merely as a facilitator for transactions and interactions between users and venues or event organizers ("Organisers").
  • Indemnification: Venues hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Clubhub, including its directors, officers, employees, agents, and affiliates, from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses of any nature whatsoever. These include, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way related to their operations, event listings, hosted events, or any breach of these Terms & Conditions. This indemnification specifically covers, but is not limited to:
    a) Legal or financial claims brought forward by event attendees, users, or third parties in relation to events hosted by the venue or transactions facilitated by Clubhub
    b) Non-compliance or violation of any applicable laws or regulations by the venues or their representatives;
    c) Any form of misrepresentation, fraud, or misconduct on the part of the venue or its agents.  
e) Termination and penalties
  • Breach of Terms: Clubhub retains the right to suspend or terminate a venue's listing or access to the platform if there are repeated or severe breaches of these Terms & Conditions.
  • Notification & rectification: In instances of perceived breaches, Clubhub will notify the venue, allowing for a rectification period. Failure to address concerns within this period may result in penalties or removal from the platform.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, ClubHub's maximum liability arising out of or in connection with the services or these T&C, regardless of the cause of action (whether in contract, tort, breach of warranty, or otherwise), will not exceed the amount paid to Clubhub in the past two months by the venue, event organizers, or any other partners utilizing our platform.

Relationship with Organizers: permissions and obligations

  • Preamble: This section defines the terms and conditions governing the relationship between Clubhub (or "the Platform") and event organizers, venues, and related entities (hereinafter referred to as "Organisers").
  • Authorization to issue receipts:
    Organisers provide Clubhub with explicit permission to issue receipts and financial documentation in the name of the respective Organiser, under two distinct scenarios:
    1. Full receipt Issuance: Clubhub is authorized to issue receipts on behalf of the Organiser for both the Clubhub's fee and for items sold by the Organiser, such as tickets and tables. This mandates Clubhub to ensure accuracy, compliance with financial regulations, and timely delivery of these receipts to the purchasers.
    2. Partial receipt issuance: Clubhub will only issue receipts for its own fee. Customers will be informed that they can obtain their receipt for items purchased (e.g., tickets or tables) at the event's entrance or request it via mail. It is the responsibility of the Organiser to provide these receipts upon request, especially when the customer is entering the venue.
  • Platform services and obligations:
    - Issuing of Invoices: Clubhub shall, on behalf of the Organiser, issue invoices related to ticket sales, ensuring accuracy, timely delivery, and adherence to the requisite financial guidelines.
    - Transaction Processing: Clubhub commits to transparently and securely handle all transactions pertaining to ticket sales.
    - Ticket distribution: The platform will ensure efficient distribution and delivery of tickets and/or table tickets to the respective purchasers, in line with the preferences of the Organiser.
  • Obligations of organisers:
    - Provision of information: Organisers must provide comprehensive and accurate details pertinent to the event, including, but not limited to, pricing, seating arrangements, and any specific guidelines or policies.
    - Transparency: Organisers are mandated to ensure that all details, communications, and representations made in connection with their events are transparent, accurate, and not misleading.
  • Event cancellations & refunds:
    Specific conditions pertaining to event cancellations or refund initiations will be delineated and communicated transparently. Both Organisers and users are obligated to adhere to these conditions, understanding the potential consequences of non-compliance.
  • Dispute resolution:
    In the event of any disputes arising between Clubhub and the Organisers, mechanisms and channels will be in place to ensure an equitable resolution. Both parties commit to amicably resolve disputes, keeping in mind the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect.
  • Digital acceptance and agreement:
    By using Clubhub's platform for event listing and related activities, Organisers electronically accept the terms and conditions laid out herein. This acceptance is facilitated through digital mechanisms, such as a click-through "I agree" function, and once activated, becomes legally binding. Organisers understand and accept that this digital agreement is crafted in strict compliance with prevailing legislation and holds legal weight equivalent to a traditionally signed agreement.

Venue financial obligations

  • Subscription fees: Venues are required to pay subscription fees for listing and operating through Clubhub. These fees contribute to the maintenance and development of the platform's features and services.
  • Financial reporting: Venues must provide accurate and timely financial reports as required by Clubhub for monitoring the sales activities.

Intellectual property

  • All content on the Clubhub platform, including logos, images, text, and designs, are owned by Clubhub or its licensors and are protected by international copyright laws.
  • Unauthorized use or distribution of our content is strictly prohibited.
  • User-generated content, such as stories and reviews, remains the intellectual property of the user. However, by posting on Clubhub, users grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide license to use, display, and distribute said content.
  • Users must ensure they have the rights to any content they post on Clubhub, including text, images, and videos, and that they are not infringing on any third-party intellectual property rights.

Governing law

  • By using the Clubhub platform, users agree that, in the event of any legal dispute, the laws of the Republic of Croatia will apply, and jurisdiction will reside with the competent courts in Zagreb.

Privacy & data protection

  • Clubhub takes user privacy seriously. All data collection, storage, and usage are governed by our Privacy Policy, which can be found here. By using our platform, you consent to such data practices as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

General financial provisions

  • Changes in fees: Clubhub reserves the right to modify its fee structure, subscription plans, or commission rates at any time. Such changes will be communicated to all users and venues with reasonable notice and are not retroactive.
  • Non-payment: Any failure by users or venues to fulfill their financial obligations to Clubhub, including non-payment of fees or commissions, may result in legal action or suspension of services.
  • Taxes and legal compliance: Users and venues are responsible for the determination and payment of all taxes, fees, and service charges associated with their activities on Clubhub. Clubhub is not responsible for collecting, reporting, or remitting any taxes or fees on behalf of users or venues.


  • If any provision of these T&C is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.
  • These Terms&Conditions, along with any other policies posted on Clubhub, constitute the entire agreement between Clubhub and users, outlining the use of the Clubhub platform. Clubhub is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages or losses suffered by users, venues, or Organisers due to the actions of another party or due to factors beyond Clubhub's reasonable control.
  • Neither Clubhub nor the venues or Organisers shall be held responsible for any failure to perform that is due to any event outside the reasonable control of the concerned party, including but not limited to natural disasters, riots, wars, epidemics, or interruptions of utilities.
  • Neither Clubhub nor the venues or Organisers shall be held responsible for delays or failure in performance caused by acts of God, war, terrorism, strike, labor dispute, work stoppage, fire, act of government, or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar, beyond our control.

Queries & Compaints

  • For any inquiries, issues, or support needs regarding events, purchases, or other services on the Clubhub platform, please reach out to our dedicated team at:
    support@clubhub-app.com. We will provide a response to the complaint in writing no later than 15 business days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
  • While Clubhub will strive to assist with any issues, final responsibility for events lies with the Organisers.