Edit your organisation

Edit your organisation

Keeping your venue or event organization's profile updated on Clubhub is essential for attracting the right audience and providing them with accurate information.Here's a simple guide to making sure your profile is as inviting and informative as your actual venue:

  1. Access your profile: Start by selecting your venue or organization's profile within the Clubhub platform.
  2. Update your logo: You can easily change your logo.
  3. Change description: Write a compelling description that highlights what makes your venue unique. This is your chance to tell your story and entice visitors.
  4. Manage your photos: Add new photos to showcase recent events or renovations, and remove outdated images. Visuals are key to capturing attention.
  5. Edit organization information: This is where you detail what your venue is all about.

You can edit:

  • Object type: Define your space. Choose whether you have a bar, club, cocktail bar, pub or restaurant.
  • Characteristics: List features like venue size or special attributes (e.g., dance bar, beachside).
  • Atmosphere: Set the mood. Is your venue chill, made for dance parties, elegant, or does it boast an impressive rooftop view?
  • Music genres: Update the genres to reflect the music your guests can expect to enjoy.
  1. Set requirements: Clearly state your dress code and age requirements for a hassle-free guest experience. These details help ensure that your guests arrive prepared and ready to enjoy what you     offer.
  2. Showcase your menu: A menu is really important. Keep your drinks and food menus updated.

Remember, your Clubhub profile is a powerful tool to attract and retain customers. Keep it current, keep it exciting, and watch as it works to bring the crowd you desire right to your doorstep.

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