Privacy Policy

Effective Date: October 1st, 2023

Welcome to Clubhub! Your privacy is our top priority, and this policy details how Clubhub collects, uses, shares, and protects your personal information.


Clubhub ("We", "Our", or "Us")values the security and privacy of your personal data. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding information, detailing the types of data we may collect, our methods of collection, usage, protection, your rights regarding your personal data, and our data sharing practices. This policy applies to all users ("You", "Your", or "User") of the Clubhub platform.

Data we collect

From regular users:
  • Personal data: Name, email, contact details, payment information.
  • Transaction data: While we facilitate the transaction process, we do not collect or store your payment information. All transactions are processed securely through our third-party payment processor, Stripe. We store only the data associated with the transaction, including the date, purchase amount, and purchase description.
  • Preferences: Genres, favorite artists, club locations.
  • Content: Reviews, ratings, photos, videos.
From venues:
  • Venue details: Name, location, capacity, contact information.
  • Event details: Artist line-ups, ticket prices, event timings.
  • Operational data: Sales reports, attendee figures, technical requirements.
Automatically from our platform:
  • Usage data: Pages visited, features used, frequency of usage.
  • Technical data: IP addresses, device type, operating system, and browser information.
From third-party platforms:
  • If you connect your Clubhub account with third-party platforms, we may receive data like profile information, user ID, and otherdata permitted by the third-party platform.
From venue and/or event organisation owners and their teams:
  • Role and Permission Data: Information related to assigning and managing roles and permissions within the Clubhub Organisations webapp platform.
Mobile device data:
  • With your consent, we may collect data relatedto your geolocation and mobile device.

Methods of data collection

We collect data:
  • Directly from users and partners.
  • Indirectly from third parties, such as other users, public sources, or authorities.
  • Through automatic means via our website and mobile applications.

You request a demo of Bearer

We call you

You use Bearer

You receive emails from us

You chat with us for customer support

You opt-in to marketing messages

Use of Data

We use automatically collected data from our platform to:
  • Provision of services: To facilitate event bookings, manage your account, and improve our platform.
  • Marketing and communication: To send newsletters, offers, and promotional content. You can opt out anytime.
  • Security: For verification, protecting against fraud, and ensuring platform integrity.
  • Analytics: To understand user behavior and preferences, enhancing our services.
  • Legal compliance: To meet regulatory and legal requirements in Croatia and the EU.
  • Role Analytics: To understand how different roles interact with the Clubhub Organisations webapp platform, helping us improve its features and usability.

You request a demo of Bearer

We call you

You use Bearer

You receive emails from us

You chat with us for customer support

You opt-in to marketing messages

Data sharing and transfers

Internally within Clubhub for operational purposes.

With event organizers, artists, venues, and third-party service providers.

With affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners.

We may share your payment information with third parties who assist us in processing payments and completing transactions.

For legal reasons or in connection with potential legal disputes.

If our business is sold, merged, or undergoes a similar transition.

We comply with the EU's GDPR regulations for any data transfer outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Data retention and deletion

Clubhub retains user data as long as necessary for the purposes previously described. The period during which we retain user data is determined based on the type of data, the category of user to whom the data relates, and the purpose for which we collected the data.

The retention period depends on the type of data, the purpose for which we collected it, and the applicable legal requirements.

Data protection and storage

Your data is protected with advanced security measures, stored for as long as necessary for business or legal purposes, and securely deleted thereafter. We respect the rights granted by the European GDPR and Croatia's specific regulations on data protection and privacy.

Your rights and choices

  • Access and update: View, edit, or delete your data through your Clubhub account.
  • Marketing opt-out: Choose not to receive promotional communications.
  • Data portability: Obtain a copy of your data in a structured, commonly-used format.
  • Data Deletion: Request erasure of your data, subject to legal constraints.

For any rights exercise, contact us at with"EXERCISE OF RIGHTS" as the subject.

Third-party services

  • Our platform may link to third-party websites or services. We're not responsible for their content or privacy practices, and we recommend reviewing their policies.
  • Our platform integrates certain third-party services such as Stripe for payment processing. We do not store sensitive financial information, as these transactions are handled directly by Stripe, which operates under its own privacy policy. We recommend reviewing Stripe's privacy policy to better understand how your financial data is protected and managed.


  • We use cookies for site functionality, analytics, and personalised user experience. By using our site, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our policy.

Applicable Law

  • We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and local Croatian data protection regulations. Incase of any concerns or complaints, you may contact the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka) located at Selska cesta 136, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
  • This Privacy Policy, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Croatia. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Croatia, and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.

Changes to this policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date and we will notify you of any significant changes by sending a notification through the Clubhub app.

Contact us

For any questions or concerns, reach out to us at