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FAQs for Venues

If you don't find what you're looking for, contact us directly.

How does Clubhub differ from other event management platforms?

Clubhub is designed specifically for nightclubs and event spaces, offering features like table reservations and an integrated scanner app. Moreover, we focus on streamlining the ticketing process while also providing an in-depth CRM and advanced analytics tailored to the unique needs of night venues.

We're a smaller venue. Can we benefit from Clubhub?

Absolutely! Clubhub's Basic (Starter) plan allows even smaller venues to have visibility on our platform. As your events grow, you can upgrade to our Premium or Platinum plans to leverage more features. Our platform scales with your needs.

How does the ticketing fee structure work with Clubhub?

With our Premium and Platinum plans, venues can post events and manage ticket sales. Clubhub doesn't take a cut from the venue's ticket revenue. Instead, a small transactional fee is added to the ticket price, which is paid by the customer. This way, the venue retains 100% of their ticket revenue, and the fee covers all transactional costs.

We host multiple events a week. Does Clubhub's system support bulk uploading or do we need to list each event separately?

Clubhub is designed to handle venues of all sizes and frequencies of events. Our platform allows for bulk uploading of events, making it easier for venues that have a packed calendar.

What kind of support can we expect after signing up?

All Clubhub venues receive support to ensure smooth operation. However, our Premium plan offers standard support, while our Platinum plan venues benefit from priority support, including a dedicated account manager for personalized assistance.