Publishing events

Publishing events

Organizing and launching events on Clubhub is designed to be straightforward and flexible, catering to a wide variety of event types and audience preferences. Whether you're hosting a public concert or a private gathering, Clubhub's platform makes it simple to tailor your event's visibility and access. Here's how you can get started:

Public vs. private events
  • Public events: When you publish a public event, it's open for all to see and attend. Anyone can browse your event details and purchase tickets or book tables, making it ideal for large-scale events aimed at the general public.
  • Private events: Private events are not visible to all users. To access the event, you need to share a link of your event to your attendees. Potential attendees can buy tickets on the website if they open the link on the computer or in the mobile app if they open it on a mobile phone.
Event types
  • Single day event: Perfect for one-off events. You'll input details like the event's promotional image, name, date and time, and the lineup of performers with their schedules.
  • Multi-day event: Designed for festivals and extended events. You set up your event once and let the platform know it spans multiple days.
Flexibility in event reservations: free or paid access

When planning your event on Clubhub, you can select one of two approaches:

  1. Reservations and bookings are free: Tickets and table bookings are free for this type of events.
  2. Paid entry and bookings: This event type requires payment for tickets and table reservations. To enable this, you need to create a Stripe Express account so you can receive payments.
Creating your event
  • Ticket creation: Whether for immediate release or scheduled launch, you control every aspect of ticketing - names, numbers, prices, and descriptions.
  • Table selection and customization: Choose which tables to offer, adjust minimum spends for event-specific pricing, and modify descriptions or tickets included with each table.
  • Flexibility with tables: Each table's pricing and details can be individually edited, ensuring that you can cater to various customer preferences and demands.
Scheduling your event
  • One-time events: Choose to launch your event right away or set a future date for the release.
  • Repeating events: Great for weekly themes or daily occurrences. You can set these events to repeat daily or weekly and schedule them to be released in a staggered fashion (e.g., every 7 days for a "Regular Friday" event).

Releasing your event

  • Immediate release: Get your event live right away, opening it up for bookings and ticket sales instantly.
  • Scheduled release: Plan ahead by scheduling your event to go live days or weeks before it happens, keeping your audience in anticipation and allowing for strategic marketing efforts.

Publishing an event on Clubhub, whether public or private, single-day or multi-day, is a streamlined process that offers both flexibility and control. Whether you're creating a one-time special event or setting up a weekly staple, Clubhub's platform is equipped to support your event from inception to day-of execution. With these tools at your disposal, your next event can be crafted to provide the exact experience you envision for your attendees.

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